History of Money
The beat rhythm has its origin in the fact that we have to deal with money every single day – something that emerged in the 16th century Europe for the first time in all of human history.
This video is also prepared for a workshop, the video being separated into five sequences with texts and questions. Press here.
The financial crisis that erupted throughout the world in autumn 2008 and since then has developed into a global economic crisis with an uncertain outcome did not come out of thin air and it is not the first of its kind. However the magnitude of it is utterly unique.
This film tells the chronicle of how it happened. It is the story of a house of cards, based on the real housing market in the USA, that was built higher and higher until it finally collapsed, wiping out money, security and confidence on an unprecedented scale.
"Kingdoms wax and wane. States come and go," Luo Guanzhong wrote in his novel The Three Kingdoms. The same can be said of China's money: in the course of its long development from a small cultural island on the Yellow River to the People's Republic, the Land of the Dragon has witnessed many forms of money come and go. And yet the history of its money has been characterised by its unique stability – cowry currency and the cash coin, for example, were in circulation for many centuries. This and other kinds of money from the Middle Kingdom are presented here in their historical context. The commentaries by Dagmar Lorenz, sinologist and author of the DVD, complete the small tour d'horizon.
Whether you worship money as if it were the golden calf or regard it as filthy lucre – it affects everyone in some way or other. So it is hardly surprising that questions revolving around money also occupy those who are concerned about the salvation of people's souls: the religions.
This DVD deals with the Christian religion and examines the question of what the New Testament has to say about money and the right way to handle it. And lo and behold, in the scriptures there are more answers than you might think. Here you will find out in pictures and text not only which coins were in circulation in Judaea when Jesus was alive ...
Local as well as international events have left their mark on the monetary history of Zurich. On the domestic level, for example, it was closely interwoven with the Fraumünsterstift (a former convent and one of Zurich's famous churches) over several centuries. But the Reformation, the rise of manufacturing, the Thirty Years' War, the French Revolution and other historical events have also left their traces on the town's monetary history. This DVD investigates them.